Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Almond Rustlers Like Cattle Rustlers Should Be Thrown into Jail For Ever

From Bakersfield to Modesto, California's Valley Farming community has a new threat to worry about. Almond thieves are cutting deep into their profits. They are a new breed of thieves who descend upon the Valley and take away some of the most precious commodities. A lot of them appear to be sophisticated in how they manage to load up and take away lots of crates of almond ready to be shipped overseas. As the prices of almonds increase, so do the efforts by those bad guys to acquire the harvest of our Valley Farmers. These thieves are trying to destroy our lifestyle around here. So far, two of the thieves have been arrested by authorities. Nuts are a $ million business. They are prized by middle eastern countries that import them from various companies in California.

If you suspect shady activities around a shipping yard, farmers' properties, please call the authorities who are investigating some of the most recent thefts. Farmers have to deal with the thefts of their copper which runs wells. They are compelled to install surveillance cameras on far away fields to protect their properties. So with all this rash of thefts, the cost of doing business increases. All of us can help our beloved agriculture. We need to support our farmers. See books about California agriculture right on this site.